Saturday, 24 December 2016

Saraiki Dictionary free download

Saraiki Dictionary (Saraiki to Urdu) is
very helpfull to learn Saraiki Language. Saraiki Language is very old and large. In this Dictionary, seaching any Saraiki word meaning in urdu. This created Dictionary1.0 vr is created by MS visual basic 2010. It has two 3 files, 1st is exe file, 2nd is data. txt file. Data.txt database file. 3rd file is of words. In this file has words of Saraiki language. To run this Application, you need to take some steps. These are folliwing.
 1: For MS windows Xp SP 2
 2: For MS Windows 7 Or Later
 1.1 you need .Net frameWork This is compeller to help to run this file. If you are using non updated ISO, Comonally in Pakistan large quantity of computer is using MS Windows XP. In this case, May you need .Net FrameWork 2.0 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.5, 4.0. You can download free from MicroSoft website. (To get, required .Net FrameWork Google it) 1.2 Install Right handed Language Please Insert your OS disk in your CD Drive and take following step. >Start Menu>Control panel>Reion and Language> Language>Install Language pack. After installation, you active now and active keyboard. For this Start Menu>Control Panel>Region and Language>Language>setting>Keyboard> install Urdu keyboard.
 1.3 Install Urdu Phonetic KeyBoard Urdu Phonetic keyboard is available at InterNet free. (Urdu phonetic Keyboard Google it)
1.4 Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Font Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Font is amazing font for Urdu lover. Jameel Noori Nastaleeq is most famous font for web and Udru documents.(Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Font .zip Google it)
1.5 Saraiki phonetic KeyBoard Saraiki Phonetic keyboard is mostly use to write Saraiki. After install and active Saraiki keyboard, you can write Saraiki in Nastaleeq style. You can get free (Saraiki Phonetic keyboard Google it) 1.6 Siraika Font Saraika font is very nice to look. If you have not Siraika font, you will able write right. Mostly fonts will break. To solve this problem you must install Siraika font in your PC. This font is nastaleeq style to write.(Siraika font .zip Google it
2.1 Active Urdu Language in windows 7 or Later OS through following step. Run>Control panel>Region and Language>Click Add>Urdu>OK. Follow upper step 1.1.3 to and 1.1 Click on Download link.
3. WinRarr
 This file in zip. Please unzipand Enjoy. You can download free WinRarr demo from internet to unzip it. (WinRarr free download Google it) This Dictionary works fine in MS windows. But it is not tested in mac, Linux Opperting System. Please Feel free to share Saraiki Dictionary with your kinds. You can also Update Data.text database easily. If you have any quarry and suggestion contact me. Thank you.
Click here to download


  1. I need Saraiki Keyboard. Can Someone please help me?

    1. Yes , Now Saraiki Keyboard is available on the Google Keyboard , Download Gboard Google Keyboard and add Keyboard of Saraiki language . If you dont understand you can whatsapp me 03089735509
